YOG Legacy Plan: Catalyst for African Badminton Development

YOG Legacy Plan: Catalyst for African Badminton Development

In the heart of Dakar, where the rhythm of life beats with the vibrant spirit of Senegal, BWF set in motion a legacy plan for the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in 2026.  

The first-ever Olympic Games on African soil presented an unprecedented opportunity for BWF to spark the development of badminton not only in Senegal, but across the entire continent. 

The essence of BWF’s vision echoed through the plan: “Giving every child a chance to play for life.” It wasn’t just about creating a sporting legacy; it was about weaving a tapestry of social, economic, and intellectual legacies that would resonate far beyond the confines of the badminton court. 

The plan revolved around four key strategic axes: increasing participation in all regions, enhancing human capacity (with more and better officials, administrators, teachers, tutors, and event managers), promoting badminton and fostering partnerships and sponsorships, and developing a sustainable player pathway. 

BWF hoping to create a legacy for badminton in Africa following Dakar 2026.

Collaborating closely with key stakeholders such as the Ministry of Sport in Senegal, Senegal National Olympic Committee (NOC), African Badminton Federation, and Badminton Confederation of Africa (BCA), BWF embarked on a journey to turn this vision into reality. 

This year, BWF took tangible steps to kickstart the legacy plan. Four competition mats, 30 school kits, and consultancy support for drafting the strategic plan of the Senegalese Badminton Federation (FESBAD) from 2024 to 2028 were provided. A strategic planning workshop on 10 December brought together stakeholders from FESBAD, fostering collaboration between clubs, players, officials, ministry representatives, NOC, and the Dakar 2026 organising committee. 

Furthermore, BWF in collaboration with BCA, organised a National Administration Course from 11-13 December and a BWF Level 1 Events Management Course from 7-9 December. Inviting participants from 10 African countries for both activities aligned perfectly with the Dakar 2026 vision, ensuring that YOG would not only benefit Senegal but also leave a lasting impact on the African continent. 

BWF in collaboration with BCA, organised a National Administration Course with 10 African countries.

Antoine Diandy, President of FESBAD, expressed gratitude, stating: “This Dakar 2026 BWF Legacy Plan will undoubtedly be the key to the success of badminton’s development throughout Senegal – by giving the opportunity to every child, wherever they are, to practice the sport for life.” 

Omar Seydina Diagne, Secretary General of the Senegalese NOC, acknowledged the remarkable growth of badminton in Senegal and praised BWF for its support.  

Halima Ly, a participant and Treasurer of FESBAD, lauded BWF and BCA for providing fundamental concepts in sports administration and events management. She expressed gratitude, emphasising the importance of the tools, resources, and skills gained to develop badminton across all parts of Senegal, especially with the YOG approaching. 

BWF’s legacy plan is not just about badminton; it is about empowering communities, building bridges, and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of Senegal and Africa.  

Dakar 2026 promises to be a catalyst for transformation and a beacon of hope for the generations to come. 

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